Wireless/Guest Wireless

Quick Set 1.PNG

  • Network Name - SSID or name that identifies your wireless network
  • Frequency - Current frequency your router is operating on. Go to Advanced section or contact iLines if you need the frequency changed.
  • Use Block List (ACL) - Enable/Disable Access List.  Access list is used by router to restric allowed connections from other devices.
  • Wifi Password - Password used to access your wireless network.
  • WPS Accept - Button for connecting devices via WPS.  Press this button after pressing the WPS button on your wireless device.
  • Guest Network NameSSID or name that identifies your guest wireless network. This network should be used for visitors or temporary access to your network.
  • Guest Wifi PasswordPassword used to access your guest wireless network.
  • Limit Download Speed - Used to limit the usable Internet bandwidth of each guest connections.  By default this may be configured to 1Mbps.